Gina Carano: Fired for Exercising her Right?


Jean Baptiste Lacroix/Getty Images

In February 2021, The Mandalorian star Gina Carano was fired from Disney after making a controversial social media post. 

Lucasfilm released a statement saying, "Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future." Her agency, UTA, has also dropped her.

Carano, a known conservative, made a post on Instagram comparing being a Republican today to the Holocaust. The post has since been removed although, screenshots have been circling around all over other social media platforms. Lucasfilm continued their statement calling Carano's post " abhorrent and unacceptable."

She has also made posts on Instagram suggesting she is an anti-masker and even believed the 2020 election was met with voter fraud (another post she made). 

The hashtag #FireGinaCarano made its way onto Twitter after the post had been made and very soon after, Disney had made their decision. 

The Mandalorian is one of Disney's most successful shows on its streaming platform, Disney+. They were even planning to introduce Carano as the star of the show, but plans changed. 

Carano broke her silence and went on an interview with The Daily Wire where she claimed that Disney and Lucasfilm "bullied her." She later revealed that she had a new movie project deal with the Daily Wire and its host, Ben Shapiro.

After she was fired, many fans came to her aid and suggested that Carano was fired for exercising her First Amendment right. This leads to the forever ongoing discussion of cancel culture.

While everyone should be able to exercise their right, you should always think about how you want to get your point across. Her message was clear, but I think she went about it the wrong way. She could have compared being a Republican to anything else but decided to compare it to a genocide? A little inappropriate if you ask me. 


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