War, the Press & the Public
Credit The press has always played an important role during war times. Newspapers and news broadcasts are our resources to keep up with what's going on in foreign affairs. Since we tend to pay attention to the news when war is occurring, is that how we shape our views on war? In the video , we see that patriotism rose after the tragedy of 9/11 and the press held some responsibility for that. We see reporters making emotional comments, President Bush making such comments during press conferences and newspapers using language to encourage citizens to unite. Aside from encouraging patriotism, we also see these informers putting the blame on Saddam Hussein, painting him as the enemy. After the troops were sent over, newspapers began printing pictures of civilian casualties as front page news. Some newspapers were threatened by people in high positions. They believed printing these pictures painted the U.S. as the bad guy and were "anti-war." Sound familiar? Reporters began...